she was his first love?

he couldn't help but think of her bare face back then, when she raised her little face to the sky and clenched her fists, her arrogant and unrestrained look.

" i'll definitely become a supermodel, " she said with a smile. " i'll stand on the highest stage, walk the most gorgeous shows, and wear the most beautiful high heels. "

chen yinian felt that she would definitely realize this dream.

however, wufu was blinded by something and spent all his energy and money to support an xue.

If there was no an Xue between them ...

chen yinian's vision blurred for a moment.

probably because he had drunk too much alcohol and coffee recently, his entire stomach felt like it was churning again.

He took a deep breath to suppress the discomfort in his body and smiled gently at an Xiaowan. I'm fine.


An Xiaowan's face turned pale. She looked in Xia duo's direction and saw that she was already walking towards her, so she got up.

"You haven't had your coffee."