a gift for him

recently, there were new advertisements and endorsements, so an xiaowan's income was quite high.

So, on her way home, she stopped in front of the display window.

On the side of the display window was a beautiful coffee table. There was an elegant handmade wallet and a belt.

it was a style that suited huo shen very well, and of course, so was the price.

an xiaowan bit her lip. although her heart ached a little, her eyes lit up.

this man had a lot of belts and wallets, but none of them were bought by her, and none of them looked better than this. with this thought in mind, she walked into the shop without thinking.

the shop assistant walked over with a polite smile and asked, " Hello, miss. What do you need to buy? "

An Xiaowan pointed to the display window.

"You have good taste. This is our new style for this season. It even has a name." the shop assistant smiled and took out a set, " it's called: love gu is a secret."