Am I being a busybody?

Seeing that he was silent, an Xiaowan pursed her lips nervously.

What did he mean by that? Was he going to throw her down the mountain?

After all, she had tricked him into coming here and had given him this letter of recommendation without his permission.

"Say something," she felt a chill in her heart and raised her head to urge him.

huo shen came back to his senses and looked down at the little woman who was a little nervous.

Old master Hua's courtyard was just a stone's throw away.

The letter of recommendation was already in his hands.

Logically speaking, this plan was perfect, and he only needed to follow her in.

But Yingying could not go.

Huo Shen squeezed her palm gently and said in a low voice,"let's go down the mountain."

Go down the mountain?

It was just three words.

an xiaowan was stunned. then, her eyes suddenly widened.


This time, it was an Xiaowan who stopped in place and refused to move.