Got lost

Before she could think, Huo Shen had already raised his leg and followed closely behind.

however, an xiaowan, for some reason, ran so fast that her shadow was almost gone.

this mountain was almost undeveloped, so as they went deeper, there was only land and gravel. The trees were very dense, one after another, blocking his line of sight.

in addition, the sky was dark and there were no lights around.

"Xiao Wan!" " don't run around, " huo shen said in a deep voice.

an xiaowan was walking in front, her thoughts completely drowned by a kind of sadness and grievance. she couldn't hear the call behind her at all, nor did she know where she had run to.

finally, she tripped over the branches on the ground and fell.

" ah, yingluo! " she exclaimed in a low voice.

her calf seemed to have been cut by something hard, and it hurt.

an xiaowan reached out and touched it. she felt something wet, but she couldn't see what it was because it was too dark.