farewell ceremony in bed

An Xiaowan's heart skipped a beat and she said in a panic, " "I don't like it."

"is that so?" Huo Shen's eyes narrowed slightly. He lifted his finger and gently hooked her chin. then, try it.

As soon as he finished speaking, his lips were already on hers.

The kiss was filled with countless complicated emotions as he tossed and turned.

Then, just as an Xiaowan was about to suffocate, he finally stopped. However, the next second, his large hand had already reached into the inner part of her pajamas.

After the shower, she always wore her pajamas and had nothing inside.

So, as soon as he put his hand in, an Xiaowan suddenly shivered as if she had been scalded by something.

However, this was only the beginning.

huo shen's big hands moved around and suddenly lifted her nightdress.


An Xiaowan only felt a rush of blood rushing up to her head.

She was stunned for a moment before she started to struggle even more violently.

"you can't force it!"