he could recognize her hair

Special Assistant Luo was shocked. What was going on?

this tone was a little scary.

He quickly lowered his head and gave orders to the team that was closest to them.

After that, assistant Luo acted as the driver and immediately drove Huo Shen to the old neighborhood.

When they set off, assistant Luo's orders were sent down, and the people on the other side quickly entered Sushan's residential area and attacked the floor locked on.

Hence, an Xiaowan hid under the building next door and watched a group of people run up.

she furrowed her brows.

after a short while, she turned around and walked out of the side exit.

an xiaowan knew how many exits there were in su shan's community. After all, there were quite a few young men under su Shan, so there were quite a lot of paparazzi around.

However, today, an Xiaowan had to mourn for su Shan for two seconds.

I must treat her to a meal tomorrow to comfort her.