Young master Huo, Xiao Wan has been suppressed

After a long while, Huo Shen moved and walked forward.

His voice was a little hoarse, and it came through the night. let's go.

special assistant luo followed him. he felt that his expression and voice were not quite right, but he did not dare to ask. "young master huo, where are you going?" he asked carefully.

"hongli villa." He sat in the back seat and closed his eyes.

Eh? not looking anymore?

Special Assistant Luo was puzzled. After all, young master Huo had been so aggressive when he first came down. It was as if he was determined to find miss an no matter where she went.

on the way, huo shen kept his eyes closed and did not move.

when the car stopped at hongli villa, special assistant luo thought that since young master huo had fallen asleep, he would quietly wait for him to wake up.

Unexpectedly, Huo Shen opened his eyes as soon as the car stopped.

his dark eyes were clear.