her sixth sense was telling her

in the morning, susan's phone rang again.

an xiaowan picked it up in a daze and heard her say emotionally, " "I've heard some news!"


" the mysterious opening model for the flying show seems to be an xue!! "

an xiaowan was stunned. she grabbed her phone and subconsciously sat up. her sleepiness was gone and she immediately woke up.

An Xue?

Although she also felt that the model's steps and back were very similar to an Xue's, it was just a suspicion in her heart. She didn't have a definite idea. she was shocked when she heard susan say that.

"Who did you hear that from?"

that's because the posts that guessed she was someone else were still there. But the posts that guessed she was an Xue were all cleared. susan's grip on the phone tightened. " this is obviously a cover-up. "

this mysterious model had always given people a mysterious and noble feeling. obviously, the power behind her was not small.

so, if it was an xue ...