i don't know where we can go

Huo Shen's gaze fell back on an Xiaowan.

At this moment, she was taking out some equipment from the cabinet beside the bed.

Then, she brought over a basin of hot water, wrung a towel, and carefully wiped an yanmo's face, hair, and arms.

after she was done, she began to massage her father.

her movements looked very skilled. it was the kind of familiarity that could only be achieved after hundreds of times.

huo shen looked at an xiaowan and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He wondered what those who believed in the rumors would think if they saw this. should she say that she felt guilty and felt bad, so she took care of her father to make it up to him?

in order not to disturb the father and daughter's "reunion," huo shen was standing outside the glass door, so he could not hear the conversation inside.

in the ward, an xiaowan was actually talking to her father about some things.