xiao wan's reflection on the window

The flight attendant quickly looked out the window and said, " "This Qianqian, young master Lu, the other planes have already taken off. I'm afraid Qianqian ..."

there was a touch of awkwardness in the plane.

No one had expected that this seat would be arranged in such a way.

however, song li had been traveling abroad with his dainty wife all year round. it was normal that he didn't know the gossip and situation in the country. after all, when they were arranging the seats, an xiaowan's seat was not marked with a name. it was only recorded that young master huo wanted to bring a companion, that was all.

Song Li's impression of Huo Shen must have remained the same as before. He might have thought that Huo Shen was his Secretary.

Lu yange snorted. this Song Li, I'm going to cut him up when I see him.

chen yinian heard their conversation and noticed the strange atmosphere in the plane. he also saw an xiaowan's furrowed eyebrows.