he's only afraid of crying alone

the people around them, including special assistant luo, could not help but lower their heads and sigh.

This scene was too pitiful and too tempting.

if it was any other man, he would probably not be able to bear to see such a cute and beautiful girl crying in front of him.

it was a pity that her tears were being watched by a man like huo shen.

his eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained unmoved.

all women's tears had no effect on him at all, except for an xiaowan.

"people have to pay for their own mistakes." huo shen said coldly.

His dark and deep eyes were filled with a bone-chilling coldness and alienation.

Ye Qingqing looked at him and was stunned.

she never thought that huo shen would still be so heartless after such a long time.

she thought that he would forgive her if she begged him for it.