forgive her?

In an Xiaowan's heart, there was actually a touch of uncertainty.

It was probably because of this that she always felt anxious and empty at the bottom of her heart, which led to her not being able to do anything well and not being able to sleep.

had ye qingqing been saved?

Would he forgive her?

Was he taking care of her?

Would he be like a big brother coaxing a little sister, comforting her gently and giving her water?

" ah-" an xiaowan let out a low cry, picked up a pillow, and covered her face.

I can't continue thinking about it.

the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to go to the hospital to get her.


in the hospital, blood bags were continuously sent in.

It seemed that the excessive blood loss had caused other complications.

the light of the operating room was still on.

The surroundings were already surrounded by people from the Huo family.