help to persuade shen 'er

in the afternoon, an xiaowan finally couldn't take it anymore. she lay on the sofa in a daze, half-asleep.

at this moment, the doorbell of the room was suddenly rang.

an xiaowan woke up almost immediately.

she sat up and a look of anticipation appeared in her eyes. she subconsciously thought that huo shen must have returned.

Hence, she didn't even wear her shoes and ran barefoot to the door. As she opened the door, she smiled and said, " "You're back for a walk?"

The ending note suddenly twisted.

an xiaowan looked at the well-dressed rich lady outside the door, and her whole body suddenly froze.

it was as if someone had hit his acupuncture point.

assistant lott's face turned pale. he couldn't stop mrs. huo from coming.

Mrs. Huo lowered her head and looked at the ground.