get out, get out!

huo shen still wanted to get closer.

He carried her to the pool where they had made love before and put her in.

The warm water made her shiver.

it was as if all the subtle touches were magnified and became extremely sensitive to her.

huo shen also took off his clothes and went into the water.

then, he carefully hugged her and carefully tore off the tattered fabric on her body.

He lowered his head, took a deep breath, and finally dared to look at her body.

other than the strangulation marks on her wrists, ankles, and neck, there were still some bruises on her smooth skin, but not much. Huo Shen pursed his lips and carefully cleaned her body.

as his gaze fell, an xiaowan struggled violently at first, then, she slowly softened.

She felt as if all her strength had been sucked out of her as he hugged her.

his hazy consciousness finally returned to him as he soaked in the water.