addiction, acting up

As if an Xiaowan's reaction pleased him, the obscurity in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

huo shen lifted his hand and gently lifted her chin.

"so, an xiaowan, don't let your thoughts run wild." "I want to marry you just because ..." Huo Shen's lips parted slightly, his voice magnetic with a touch of gentleness. i want to."

an xiaowan was slightly stunned, but her eyelids drooped.

she hesitated for a moment before nodding.

In fact, she really wanted to ask him, wasn't it because of love?

because he loved her, he wanted to marry her and be with her forever.

however, an xiaowan realized that perhaps huo shen had not yet understood the meaning of love or what marriage represented. he just wanted to give her a sense of security when she was extremely unstable.

marriage was the source of stability for many women.

an xiaowan pursed her lips and smiled lightly. " go to sleep. i won't ask any more questions. "