I don't want to break up with you

as she cried, an xiaowan seemed to have used up all her strength and cried for two hours.

In the end, it was Huo Shen who finally persuaded her.

She reached out and grabbed his sleeve, her eyes red like a rabbit's.

the air around them quieted down, but there were still moisture particles floating in the air. Huo Shen patted her back gently. are you hungry? "

an xiaowan shook her head.

"Huo Shen, why don't we break up?" she said in a low voice.

Huo Shen's expression froze at her words.

The moist and light air around them seemed to have been frozen into a layer of frost in an instant, and the temperature plummeted.

"what do you mean?"

An Xiaowan swallowed her saliva. Her eyes were red, and she did not dare to look at him.

"just as everyone said, we're people from two different worlds. when i first found you to be my sugar daddy, i just wanted to hug your thigh. as a sugar daddy and a lover, the difference in our status doesn't matter, but now ..."