beef ball couple, victory!

Two beauties wearing the same clothes, the Prince Charming suddenly arrived.

this scene was really interesting!

The reporters immediately began to take pictures like crazy, waiting for the scene where the three of them were in the same frame.

With tacit understanding, an Xiaowan and an Xue stood down at the same time, gently clapping, and waiting for Gong Li to catch up.

Gong Li's eyes moved slightly and swept over the two's clothes. The corners of his mouth curled up into an imperceptible gloating arc.

Then, he quickened his pace and walked between the two of them.

Gong Li was wearing a white western suit today. When combined with the two ocean-blue colors, it formed a wonderful combination with the blue sky and white clouds.

It was actually very harmonious.

the three of them walked down the red carpet. they were all tall models with great figures. as they walked down the red carpet, the scene suddenly became like the most high-end super runway.