The an corporation's collective meeting

Hearing this, du yunlan immediately turned her head and narrowed her eyes. then, let him come over in the afternoon.

An Xue quickly nodded.

she had actually begged her thigh for a long time and had been tormented for an entire night before she got this benefit.

An Xue lowered her head and rubbed her legs.

That man was really like a madman. She had her own difficulties.

In the afternoon.

A meeting was held in the conference room of the an Corporation building.

The people attending this meeting were all high-level executives with real power, as well as the head of the technology Department and some of the shareholders.

the intelligent system project was no small matter for the an corporation.

moreover, it was her first time working with the huo family.

An Xiaowan deliberately dressed more maturely than usual. She had light makeup on her face and her hair was tied up, looking like a capable woman.