assistant luo's domineering aura

his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, but his eyes were fixed on an xiaowan, as if he was talking to her alone.


so fast?

an xiaowan was slightly stunned. when she looked up and met special assistant luo's eyes, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

it was actually assistant luo who personally came to deliver the contract, yingluo.

Just thinking about it didn't make sense.

as huo shen's personal assistant, he would not be able to trouble huo shen under normal circumstances. his mission was to stay by huo shen's side and ensure his safety at all times. he would also summarize all matters for him, remind him of the details, and help him deal with them.

to put it simply, it was the position of the chief eunuch in ancient times. (*^▽^*)

so, the head eunuch had to personally deliver the contract?

"a-special assistant luo?" Someone recognized her. why did you come here personally, Yingluo? "