i'll help you control

she sounded like she was complaining, but also like she was venting her frustration. in the end, her voice became softer and softer, so soft that she seemed to have no strength to continue.

The fragrance on the ground was mesmerizing and fatally attracted her.

the desire that he had always restrained ... all of a sudden, it wrapped around her rationality.

he didn't want to restrain himself anymore.

She just wanted to sink like this, endlessly falling.

An Xiaowan suddenly raised her head, her red eyes revealing a cold and decisive glint.

she quickly crawled to the side and took out a lighter from her bag. with a " bang ", she lit up the plate of incense that had been shattered by her hand.

a faint smell instantly filled the air.

she took a deep breath, and her hands slowly fell.

"An Xiaowan!"

Huo Shen was only a second late. He had already snatched the lighter from her hand and snuffed out the incense.