You're coming with me

The man on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

he leaned back in his chair with his legs crossed. his eyes were filled with darkness.

"Then, how can I make her trust me?"

This was the first time that Huo Shen had come to ask Lu yange about such a relationship problem.

how could he make a woman trust him?

lu yange frowned slightly and said after some thought, " " probably, you're very good to her, so good that she thinks you'll never leave. "


lu yange was no longer sleepy after he hung up the phone.

He sat on the sofa and looked out the window, not wanting to move at all. Suddenly, he felt that life was a little empty.

even an iron tree like brother huo had begun to worry about women, but he was still wandering among the flowers and had never stopped. actually, it wasn't that he didn't want to stop, it was just that he hadn't met the place that he didn't want to go.