leave him to find you?

recently, an xiaowan's popularity had been very hot. although she had not produced any major works and could only be considered a b-list in the fashion industry, in terms of popularity, she could definitely be considered first-class.

moreover, the beef ball couple had been very popular recently.

the reporters turned their cameras around.

"who's that beside her?"

"i've never seen him before, but he's way too handsome."

his aura is a little scary. Where did my Prince Charming Gong go? "

"Did an Xiaowan have a change of heart? wuwuwu, beef ball couple wuwu "

An Xiaowan's eyelashes trembled slightly when she heard the discussion.

beef ball fans, can you stop talking! The king of jealousy was going to explode if he continued!

as the cameras flashed, huo shen suppressed the urge to frown. His eyes darkened slightly. He felt that the flashing lights kept on and it was really annoying.