You and Gong Li are each other's fans?

The fans immediately formed a group under this Weibo post praising an Xiaowan's clothes.

soon, it became beef ball's world.

However, no one expected that this Weibo post would actually be reposted by Gong Li in the afternoon!

although gong li's weibo had been open for a long time, the speed at which he updated his weibo could almost be considered a rare turtle speed in the industry. there were even fewer original weibo posts, and the most recent one was from three months ago.

the reposts would be slightly circulated every month, but they were all for publicity.

It was very Buddhist and mysterious.

But today, he actually posted something that didn't make any sense!

Moreover, he had also added a sentence of his own in the repost.

[ I heard that someone tagged me. ]

it was a simple sentence, without any expression or symbols. However, all the beef ball fans went crazy in an instant!

What did this mean? was this a response to the marriage urging group?