the secretary is a beauty

Her heart was beating very fast.

it was as if something incredible had happened. the blood in her body began to flow backward, making her feel dizzy.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of the girl's icon that she had accidentally caught a glimpse of in the lower right corner of Huo Shen's computer.

it was also a long-haired girl.

Although she couldn't see the picture clearly at that time, an Xiaowan had such an intuition.

"what's wrong?" Chidori was confused and helped her to take a few looks.

"are you hiding from young master huo? he has already left."

"He left?" When an Xiaowan heard this, she was stunned and quickly grabbed Qian Niao's sleeve. where did they go? "

chidori thought for a moment. " that direction should be the hotel elevator. "

Did Huo Shen just walk into a hotel with a beautiful woman? Were they preparing to get another room and then have sex?

An Xiaowan had already imagined a passionate sex scene in her mind.