Miss an was bullied

Her frame wasn't small, but her waist was famous for being thin. This was something everyone was naturally aware of.

"We've already reserved a person for this Yingluo." The anxious man walked over.

an xue raised her eyebrows and chuckled. she didn't think much of it. "He hasn't put on his clothes and he hasn't even gone on the runway yet, so it's not a confirmed date."

Su Shan was stunned and quickly turned around.

It was obvious that the General Manager was tempted. after all, in terms of fame, although an xue was not as good as before, she was still slightly better than an xiaowan, who had never been on any major international stage.

History was always shockingly similar.

an xiaowan suddenly remembered that when she was on the nolan show, she also encountered such a substitution storm. it was also an xue.

however, at that time, an xue did it to step on her. now, she did it to return to the international stage.