No, you can't let an yanmo wake up

At the same time, it was not peaceful in China.

this news quickly reached du yunlan.

She had been keeping an eye on an yanmo's movements. Although the hospital was very strict and she couldn't plant any people around him, she could still find out about this kind of news.

"daddy is actually waking up?" When an Xue found out from the phone, she was so shocked that she stood up abruptly.

du yunlan's eyes were filled with coldness.

They had always thought that an yanmo would be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life. or perhaps, after a few years, his body would not be able to take it and he would die.

In fact, they had already planned what to do next.

But now, an yanmo was actually going to wake up?

Du yunlan felt a chill run down her spine when she thought of what she had done.

What if an yanmo woke up and slipped away?

"what should we do now!" an xue paced back and forth in the house in a panic.