all, all, everything

That pair of dark eyes that were as deep as Obsidian revealed a kind of extremely deep Starlight, with a kind of concentration that made her frightened but also warm.

Her heart skipped a beat.

It was as if something had suddenly rushed into her blood and into her limbs and bones.

it gave her soul a different kind of power.

however, she still cautiously suppressed all the sweet thoughts. after hesitating for a long time, she bit her lip and lowered her eyes.

"what about the fact that i'm a murderer, yueyue?"

It was said that one should not test human nature, because human nature could not stand the test.

The moment you wanted to test me, you had already lost.

As for whether an Xiaowan was a murderer or not, even the people who loved her would not dare to say with certainty that they believed it. after all, this matter had caused a huge commotion back then, and it could almost be said that the evidence was conclusive.