Chapter 865-danger everywhere

the nurses seemed to be very familiar with the delivery man, so they took the delicious food and laughed."i don't know, but not long after he woke up, he fainted again. His oxygen mask was also pulled out, so his life was almost in danger."

"pull off the oxygen mask?"

yes, I don't know what his daughter did. She actually secretly removed her oxygen mask.

The deliveryman's eyes flickered and he continued to ask, " "Her life is in danger, Yingluo. Is she okay now?"

" alright, it's more like a scare than a disaster. i've returned to my previous state. " the young nurse shrugged and smiled. " we're going in now. thank you for your hard work. "

The welfare in the hospital was quite good. Every night, they would send some supper to the nurses and doctors who were on night shift. and since two months ago, the delivery of night snacks in this area had been replaced by this delivery man.