Only strippers will agree?

Did this woman do it on purpose?

an xiaowan's gaze, even though they were separated by a long distance and a screen, seemed to be able to fall on huo shen with heat.

"Meeting dismissed." the man spat out two words.

everyone quickly and efficiently took everything and walked out.

Huo Shen was left alone in the office.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his gaze to the woman in the video. His thin lips twitched coldly. what's wrong? "

an xiaowan's red lips gently curved up, and her face was full of a charming and flirtatious smile. she chuckled flirtatiously, leaned close to the screen, and blinked."When are you coming back?"

Huo Shen squinted his eyes and looked at her. "Not necessarily."

This woman was so enchanting, she must have something to say.