you destroyed the huo family's wine tower

as a result, in the midst of the crowd's exclamations, an xiaowan suddenly hit the edge of the table.

With a crisp "hualala-" sound, the entire wine tower fell down in front of everyone!

One by one, the Golden wine in the cups was thrown to the other side of the table and scattered. the cups were all smashed into pieces, and the floor was in a mess.

"heavens, what do we do now!"

" the wine is all spilled. someone come and clean it up. "

quickly hide away. Be careful not to get scratched by those fragments.

in an instant, the entire banquet hall was in chaos.

everyone stepped aside in a panic, and some people even hurriedly called for waiters to clean up. as a result, dibei city's waiters emerged in an instant and dealt with the situation with extreme speed.

an xiaowan fell to the ground, but lan ningjue helped her up after a long time.

At the same time, Mr. Huo's conversation was interrupted by the loud noise.