take responsibility for your mistake!

an xiaowan's fingertips trembled when she heard the sound.

she took a deep breath and quickly steadied her mind. she continued to concentrate on placing the items. at the same time, her back was covered in a layer of cold sweat.

The slender champagne glasses were stacked up one after another, all tightly attached to each other. If his hand trembled, he would lose everything and drop them all.

the situation was really awkward.

huo shen looked away from an xiaowan and turned to his father, who was walking through the crowd.

"It's crowded, the wine tower fell, and Xiao Wan is helping to pile it up." Huo Shen replied indifferently.

du yunlan's eyelids twitched when she heard this. she couldn't help but look up at huo shen.

this lao ai actually threw all the blame on an xiaowan with one sentence. she was the one who knocked down the wine glass, but she played it down as if it was a " crowd squeeze ", as if it was natural for the wine tower to fall.