you're even lying to me?

His body was obviously so cold, but why could he still make her heart feel warm?

an xiaowan thought in a daze. when she came back to her senses, they had already returned to his original room.

the house was in chaos.

it was all his fault.

An Xiaowan bit her lip, took a deep breath, and tried to force a smile, but the corners of her mouth still drooped weakly.

"The truth is, Huo Shen didn't want to help you hide it at all."

"Yes." he was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

he looked extremely exhausted.

An Xiaowan's heart ached. She really wanted to rush out and tell Mr. And Mrs. Huo the truth. Then, they would force Huo Shen to see a doctor. After all, they were his parents. There must be a way to get him to go.

"huo shen, tell me the truth, what's your situation now?" Although an Xiaowan tried her best to maintain her calm expression, her trembling hands had already exposed her emotions.