She fainted, the doctor is here!

An Xiaowan's body swayed slightly. She felt as if she had low blood sugar and blood rushed to her head after squatting for a long time.

She only felt a " boom " in her head, and then, her eyes flickered.

within a few seconds, she had already fallen back onto the sofa.

The world was silent, dark, and boundless.

An Xiaowan's last thought before she fainted was: She was done for. She was definitely going to be treated by the Huo family's doctor.

A second ago, she had actually wanted to say,"if that's the case, then this conversation is actually meaningless." after all, I don't know anything, and you guys are determined to think that I know. You've forced me to ask, threatened, and forced me.

But he didn't have the chance to say it out loud.

Seeing an Xiaowan suddenly faint, Mrs. Huo was also shocked and couldn't help but scream in a low voice.

she fell onto the sofa, her fair face devoid of any color.