The child was his!

looking at the documents, the clear investigation content and results, and even the photos with evidence, he was stunned.

Huo Qilin's eyes were dark.

he suddenly closed the document.

then, he stood up and said with a cold gaze, " "Don't spread a word about this!"

"yes, president huo, i understand."

the subordinate immediately left, while huo qilin took his coat, got up, and called mrs. huo. then he went back to the huo family mansion.

mrs. huo stood in the room, looking in the direction of the guest room, her hands slightly clenched.

in the phone call just now, huo qilin had said something.

- This woman can not be left alive.

they had always had reservations about the fact that huo shen liked an xiaowan. They even thought that if Huo Shen could get married in peace in the future, even if he had to raise an Xiaowan for the rest of her life, as long as she didn't have children and didn't cause any trouble, it would be fine.

but now, she was pregnant.