will huo shen let it go?

i'm dead, qingqing.

and looking at the number of days,

an xiaowan only felt a burst of dizziness and almost fainted, but her strong willpower still supported her.

She looked at the contents of the document and tried her best to concentrate.

after scrolling for a while, she found the date and a photo.

The cause of death stated that his enemy had shot him while he was escaping.

Gun shot

An Xiaowan bit her lower lip hard, but she still couldn't control the trembling of her body, as well as the panic that surged out of her heart.

The date, the way he died, and even the position where he was shot, all matched.

The date and position of the shot from Huo Shen's underground prison were still fresh in her memory.

About that night, about the shooting, about this man, an Xiaowan always wanted to bury her memories and not think about it. moreover, huo shen had already told her that she wasn't a good marksman, so the man was still alive.