who said i came on the ship for huo shen?

" ah! " assistant luo was stunned.

The cold wine spilled on his clothes, casting a dark shadow. He hurriedly raised his hand and adjusted the cup. He was about to say something when he saw Huo Shen's expression.

He glanced to the side from the corner of his eye.

it was a very slight movement that seemed normal to others, but special assistant luo immediately reacted.

"young master huo, my clothes are wet. i'll go and change now," he said hurriedly.

"Yes, go ahead." huo shen waved his hand, as if he was a little impatient.

so, after assistant luo responded, he quickly took a handkerchief to cover the place where the wine was handed and walked in the other direction a little further from an xiaowan. Then, after he went out, he slowly took a detour and went in the direction an Xiaowan had left.

Sure enough, after a turn, he saw a figure parked in the corridor.