Tell them she had a miscarriage

the water rippled.

the waves surged.

The color of the night, with its pitch-black gloominess, was projected directly into his heart.

An Xiaowan didn't know where her perseverance came from. Even under such circumstances, she didn't faint. Instead, she held on until the man swam to her side with difficulty.

her wrist was caught first, then she was pulled out of the water.

an xiaowan was finally able to breathe and suddenly coughed violently.

he carried her on his back.

the sea water was very cold.

An Xiaowan trembled slightly, her eyes red and her vision hazy.

however, even though she couldn't see him, she instantly realized that the person who had come was not huo shen.

"an xiaowan, hang in there." The man's voice was magnetic and pleasant, but it was not as deep as Huo Shen's. His body was filled with the smell of the sea, and there was no trace of Huo Shen's unique domineering and refreshing aura.

Her tears suddenly rolled down her face.