I want Yingluo to find him

as soon as he went out, he immediately found a way to purchase a small piece of this poisonous incense. After that, he went into the laboratory alone. other than delivering medicine and checking on an xiaowan, he spent the rest of the time alone in the room.

on the third day, when an xiaowan's body gradually stabilized, he finally came out of the laboratory.

Although the medical equipment in this city was not advanced, he had a lot of things to do, so he could do all the simple experiments. After he came out, he took an Xiaowan to do a bunch of tests, including a blood test and an ultrasound. Finally, his eyes were fixed.

After taking a pile of reports to an Xiaowan, he said in a deep voice, " the contents of the incense are indeed different from those of ordinary drugs as rumored. Other than some substances that stimulate nerve secretion and make it dependent on elements, there seems to be no other harmful substances.