She instinctively protected the child

"shen 'er!" hearing this, mrs. huo suddenly became a little anxious. " why can't you figure it out? You've already experienced life and death with Qing Qing!"

Ye Qingqing sat at the side with her head down. The joy on her face had completely frozen at this moment.

she had thought that their relationship would change greatly after they got on the ship.

she had thought that huo shen must have thought it through and wanted to give up on an xiaowan and be with her.

but she didn't expect that yingluo was just acting in her own way.

"redleaf and bluedevil both experienced life-and-death situations with me." Huo Shen said calmly as he leaned back in his seat.

ye qingqing's face turned pale again.

hong ye and lan mo were both huo shen's subordinates. how could he compare her, the eldest daughter of the ye family, to them?