another granddaughter?

he held the baby in his arms and looked at him for a long time, but he could not see any trace of beauty in him.

However, it seemed that the doctor was right.

Xiao Wan and her mother, ah, they were at least 90% similar. The remaining one point still had an indescribable feeling and aura.

her mother wasn't as gorgeous as her daughter. she was also beautiful, but xiao wan's beauty was the kind of beauty that was sharp and prickly.

An Jiancheng put away his memories and sighed.

When people get old, they start to like to recall all kinds of things, and they can't stop it. the memories that he had almost forgotten also became clearer and clearer.

in fact, he really wanted to return to his roots.

At this age, everyone wanted to return to their hometown, the place where they lived when they were young. Moreover, Yingying really missed her son.

"Alright, I'll go back with you."

an jiancheng spoke after a while.