Chapter 1055-grandfather's transformation

for example, you can say that you'll decide for father who will inherit the shares or the an family after you've chosen a suitable heir.

an jiancheng narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything.

hence, an xiaowan continued,"this way, the rights to the shares will fall into your hands." grandpa, i don't want the an corporation, but i don't want the an family to change their enemy's surname!"

after that, she didn't care if an jiancheng was listening to her. she told him everything about the company, the people on the board of directors, their movements, and whether there were any factions. her investigation was very detailed and she had almost engraved everyone's information in her mind. she explained it clearly and logically.

"Alright, let's go to sleep." an jiancheng saw an xiaowan's tired face and interrupted the conversation.

An Xiaowan nodded, rubbed her eyes, and said Goodnight.

recently, she had been particularly sleepy.