who else would treat her better than him?

when the wine was served, lu yange poured it for him and waved for everyone to leave.

but huo shen didn't say a word. he just drank glass after glass, but his eyes were clear.

"Brother Huo, what's wrong with you? if you continue to drink it, you'll have a headache and stomachache tomorrow." Lu yange finally could not help but raise his hand to stop him.

huo shen pursed his thin lips and immediately reached out to take it.

"brother huo!"

Huo Shen didn't care and downed another glass.

the spicy wine slid across his throat and fell into his heart, but it was burning and painful.

Why was he so clear-headed?

Lu yange was still jabbering on and on in her ear, " brother Huo, the doctor said that you can't drink like this now. It's not good for your condition, and it will also reduce the effect of Chinese medicine.

huo shen lowered his eyes and squinted slightly.