give birth to a big fat boy

"Yes, young master Huo," Special Assistant Luo quickly responded.

" as for an xue, " huo shen narrowed his eyes, " just report her. "

It seemed like he didn't need anything else.

an xiaowan's counterattack had already made an xue powerless. Even if she had a way, she would not be able to return to the fashion industry.

after that, nolan continued smoothly.

Although the opening wasn't very good, this year's show had a Hundred Flowers in full bloom, and the clothes were competing for beauty. Coupled with the publicity before and after, and the long legs, this show had set off a huge wave at home and abroad.

without an xue's interference, an xiaowan successfully took the first spot in the hot topic list and became the opening of the edited version!

an xiaowan's fame once again went up a level.

now, other than a few supermodels from the older generation, she was already the most popular among the new generation.