Has young master Huo gone crazy?

So, he wasn't injured, and this wasn't an Xiaowan's period blood, so it could only be Yingluo's.

She was injured.

Huo Shen's heart tightened.

the expression on his handsome face changed slightly. he raised his hand to rub his temples, trying hard to recall everything that had happened last night.

One scene after another appeared in his mind.

at that time, he had almost touched all the skin on her body, but he did not find any new wounds. the location of the blood was also not touched previously. at that time, he had pressed her in the middle of the bed and then mumbled,

Then, he barged in and heard her cry out in pain. Then, she bit his lips.

The amount of blood didn't seem to be from the corner of his lips.

In his memory, the last thing he saw was an Xiaowan crawling out of his arms and sitting on the edge of the bed. Then, she picked up her things and ran out in a hurry, like a rabbit running away in panic.