catching up with an xiaowan

An Xiaowan's commercial shooting was not considered smooth.

After all, she had not slept all night and had experienced a long flight. Naturally, she was exhausted and did not look too good.

In order to put on her makeup, she had applied a Facial Mask at the last minute. Although her skin condition was okay, her mental state was not. She was constantly worried about Huo Shen's pursuit. Her mind was filled with all kinds of guesses and wild thoughts, so much so that she couldn't seriously integrate herself into the image and image needed for the advertisement.

"miss an, do you want to take a rest first?" The director frowned slightly.

an xiaowan hesitated for two seconds, but still nodded.

No, she had to sort out her emotions.

Susan looked at her worriedly, " can your body take it? "

an xiaowan took a deep breath. " i'm fine. "