how could it have disappeared into thin air?

this "unless" made huo shen's entire body filled with a violent aura, and he could no longer hold it in.

Any man, knowing that a woman was pregnant with someone else's child and was hiding to protect the child, would not want to marry her under such circumstances without any ill feelings, right?

Therefore, between the two speculations, the possibility that an Xiaowan and Gong Li had eloped was slowly becoming more and more likely.

If they had just wanted to leave together from the beginning, to go on a vacation and take a walk, they would have been fine.


this word made him unable to hold back in the end. he suddenly stood up and slammed his fist on the desk.

The table was slightly sunken.

Huo Shen's fist immediately turned red.

Special Assistant Luo ran up in a hurry. When he saw this scene, he knew that ye Qingqing's words had angered young master Huo.

"Young master Huo, Qianqian."