Chapter 1109-making up a story

"yingying knows." An Xiaowan bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

gong li would not talk nonsense about such matters.

as for how exactly he knew about his sister-in-law, an xiaowan had no idea. after all, gong li had always been mysterious.

She closed her eyes and pondered for about half an hour before she raised her head again.

An Xiaowan looked at Gong Li, who had been waiting by her side, silently warming his fruit tea. She said in a hoarse voice, " "then, i'll make up a story for the huo family."

gong li poured the warm fruit tea into a delicate small glass and tested the temperature with his hand. then, he raised his hand and handed it to an xiaowan. " have a cup first. "

an xiaowan nodded and took it.

The fruit tea was slightly sweet, and a warm current flowed through her throat, heart, and lungs. It instantly soothed the discomfort in her heart.

"gong li sincerely thanks."


in the blink of an eye, another half a month had passed.