there's someone in bed!

the person-in-charge walked out first and smiled at an xiaowan, " "miss an, this way please."

an xiaowan stood still and looked back at the elevator.

the hotel's name was also hidden.

... the smart hotel.

The words " smart hotel " at the back was glowing with a soft blue light, but the words in front were dark and not hung up.

Just as an Xiaowan was about to ask, the person-in-charge had already used the hotel's smart bracelet and swiped open the door of the Presidential Suite.

He smiled and bowed slightly, then said softly, " "miss an, please. it's getting late and the hotel isn't open yet anyway. why don't you stay here tonight, ms. an? you can experience the atmosphere and its advantages and disadvantages in a more in-depth way, so that you can improve on it later on. "

"what you said makes sense." she nodded slightly.

the door slowly opened to both sides.

after she stepped in, it slowly closed.