Chapter 1152-authority still retained

the driver glanced at her and quickly drove over.

along the way, an xiaowan kept looking at the scenery outside the window and thinking about her own affairs. at the same time, her expression became more and more determined.

The car stopped, and she strode elegantly into the Huo Corporation building in her high heels.

Inside the building, there was a more orderly and Noble atmosphere than before. An Xiaowan was wearing a hat and sunglasses, but her tall figure could not be hidden.

"eh, isn't this an xiaowan?"

"It seems so!"

"aiya, should i get her autograph? My brother is her die-hard fan!"

"I don't think so. She's probably here to talk to President Huo about the an family's project."

"oh, yingluo."

In the midst of the discussion, an Xiaowan stood at the front desk in her high heels, letting her heels hit the ground to a crisp and handsome rhythm.

"i want to see young master huo."

"I'll help you ask this Yingluo."