Young master Huo changed his mind overnight

the next day, an xiaowan returned to the company and held a meeting.

She had won the project, so she naturally had to announce it.

standing in front of everyone, an xiaowan's back was straight, and the smile on her lips was confident and bright.

I believe the Huo family will have more collaborations with the an family in the future. Father will be very pleased. the smile on an xiaowan's lips was beautiful and not frivolous, full of the aura that a leader should have. " i also hope that everyone in the an corporation can support us and advance and retreat together with the an family. "

Everyone naturally understood the meaning behind these words.

This was to let everyone see the direction of the future and not mistakenly believe the loser's words.

an xue sat opposite an xiaowan, her hands clenched tightly into fists under the table.

how was that possible?